Welcome to the ICSD Facilities Department

Through constant maintenance and upgrading of our facilities, our goal is to provide every child in the Indianola Community Schools a safe, educationally enhanced learning experience. Safe, modern, state-of-the-art, learning facilities are a critical aspect that can be attained by maximizing public resources through collaborative planning.

District Real Property Publication Pursuant to Iowa Code 297.23

School Building Name Current Use Size (Sq.Ft) Capacity
Indianola High School High School Attendance Center 249,049 1402
Indianola Middle School Middle School Attendance Center 198,000 933
Emerson Elementary School Elementary School Attendance Center 74,682 466
Irving Elementary School Elementary School Attendance Center 64,040 552
Whittier Elementary School Elementary School Attendance Center 52,131 461
Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary  Elementary School Attendance Center 79,500 568
District Operation Center Operations Offices & Bus Barn 20,600
District Office District Administration Offices 6,585
Facilities Garage Operations Storage 12,000
Old Administrative Offices Vacant 4,350
Facilities Warehouse Storage 12,725