Indianola Middle School Fast Facts
The positive learning community of IMS will stimulate rigorous academic growth for all students resulting in productive, contributing citizens prepared for high school success.
Learning Structure
- Approximate enrollment of 870 students in grades 6-7-8
- Creation of smaller learning communities through two core teaching teams per grade level that have scheduled times for collaboration
- Student enrichment programs and athletic offerings (see Activities and Athletics tabs)
- School day: 8:00-3:20 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 8:00-2:20 on Wednesday
- IMS operates on an Odd Day/Even Day alternate block schedule. Language Arts, math, and social studies are every day. Science is every other day.
Student Demographics
- Less than 1% English Language Learner (ELL) population
- Approximately 8% minority student body
- Over 80% of students are proficient as measured by the Iowa Assessment for reading, math, science, and social studies
- Free and Reduced Lunch population of 29%
- IMS built in 1996
- 100,000 square feet addition and renovation project completed August 2012
- Expanded cafeteria, library, music wing
- New main office, Blake Fieldhouse, fitness room, and classrooms for orchestra, health, Industrial Technology, art, Family and Consumer Science, Life Skills
- Wireless connections throughout the building. New computer lab and renovation of original labs.
- Athletic Complex built in 2010. Additional meeting rooms, concessions, and bleachers added in 2015. Synthetic turf football field surrounded by an 8 lane all-weather track.
Food Service and Wellness Program
- Gold Level with Distinction award from the Healthier US Schools Challenge organization, placing the program in the top 3% nationwide
- Daily recess after every lunch and a Grab-and-Go breakfast meal option, in addition to the cafeteria breakfast meal
- Three entrée choices with an included salad bar
- A la carte items can be blocked from a student’s account
Gifted and Talented Programming (G/T)
- R.E.A.D. extension groups four times per week
- Math acceleration available to all grade levels
- Gifted and Talented teachers develop lessons that address the various needs of students.
- Personalized education plan developed depending on the needs of the student
Student Support Services
- Counselors serve the same students as they progress from sixth grade through eighth grade
- Whatever I Need (W.I.N)
- Is a section of time between 2nd and 3rd periods every day, except Wednesday, during which students are engaged in reading. Some students will receive additional reading or math instruction, some will read for enjoyment, and some may do educational enrichment activities. No homework is to be done during this time. Other activities related to reading will be considered in relation to the district reading scores and best practices.
- Project Reading and Math Support are intensive support classes that occur during each grade level’s exploratory and encore time. These classes are in addition to a student’s regular core language arts and math classes.
- Approved visitors sign in at the office to receive a visitor’s pass. A photo ID is required.
- Office newsletter is emailed on Mondays. Paper copies are available.
- Call the office for all attendance communication and notes from home.
- Materials are delivered to students by the office secretaries or office helpers.
- Please reference the middle school handbook on this website for further information.