Previously I wrote about the district strategic planning process this spring. Today’s blog shares the District Vision, Mission, Beliefs, Goals, and Theories of Action that resulted from that process.

Our Vision: Proud Traditions. . .Unlimited Possibilities
Our Mission: Indianola CSD is Committed to Excellence and Achieving a Lifetime of Success
Our Beliefs:
• We will put students first.
• We will meet the needs of all students so that they can learn at high levels and be prepared for next steps along the way.
• We will provide safe and supportive schools.
• We will be fiscally responsible and thoughtful about resource allocation.
• Our actions will reflect our beliefs.
Our Goals:
Goal 1
Continuous School Improvement for Learner Benefit

Theory of Action:
• If the community is aware of and supportive of essential core skills,
• If the school board has an understanding of current best practices in teaching and learning and responsibly allocates resources aligned with goals
• If administrators understand district goals and initiatives and actively help others make connections and if administrators are accountable for implementation of best practices and essential skills
• If teachers provide high levels of instruction using best practices and relate the content to students’ lives beyond school
• If parents understand and promote active consistent attendance and active classroom participation
• If students understand why the Iowa Core content is important and relevant to their lives and are engaged in learning

Then all students will master the essential Iowa Core Skills and national standards so that they can apply those skills in life beyond school.

Goal 2
Effective Communication and School District Promotion

Theory of Action
• If the district has a recognizable brand, or clearly articulated identity, promoted through social media and traditional platforms
• If information is readily available through the district website, district and building newsletters, local media, and social media
• If the board supports efforts to promote the school district locally, statewide, and nationally
• If all students, sponsors/coaches, and staff are empowered to share success stories and the district consistently celebrates successes
• If teachers openly share their practice and students’ successes
• If parents and community utilize avenues of communication that are offered and contribute to sharing good news
• If students are given a voice, feel safe and connected, and get involved in their own education

Then there will be effective communication between students, staff and community, resulting in community awareness, engagement, and support for education.
Goal 3
Effective Technology Growth and Integration

Theory of Action
• If the school board provides adequate funding for technology
• If the district maintains a robust technology infrastructure
• If the administration appropriately allocates technology resources so that the right tools are used the right ways at the right places
• If appropriate technology standards are implemented with integrity
• If administrators, teachers, and students make a continuous effort to be aware of the latest trends in technology
• If teachers receive appropriate professional development and put learning into action
• If teachers and students continue progressing in the SAMR Model (substitution, augmentation, modification, redefinition)

Then the district will maintain a reliable and scalable infrastructure that fosters the innovative integration of technology into educational programs and operational processes.
Goal 4
Meeting Student Needs

Theory of Action
• If district leaders focus on what we can control locally
• If district administrators and teachers collaborate and communicate with parents, community, and other stakeholders
• If all district staff believe in proud traditions and unlimited possibilities for students and make decisions accordingly
• If the school board and administration develop objective, student-focused decision making criteria regarding facilities, staffing, programming, resources allocation, etc.
• If district administrators and teachers evaluate outcomes based on stated goals
• If district administrators and teachers develop our human capital, understanding that our human resources are our greatest resources and investing in students and staff
• If all education stakeholders nurture relationships with and among students, teachers, support staff, administrators, and community
• If the school board, administration, and staff provide students with a safe, supportive, and positive learning environment

Then we will best meet the social, emotional, academic, and physical needs of students.

Goal 5
District and Community Pride and Identity

Theory of Action:

• If we embrace our identity as a school in a thriving community that has a small town feel with big city opportunities and amenities
• If we have effective visionary leadership of systemically developed academic, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs and continuity and teamwork between students, teachers, coaches/sponsors, administrators, the school board, and community
• If we have consistent program standards and practices and a culture of high expectations
• If we have passionate staff who believe in students’ ability and potential to be successful
• If the school staff and community help students realize and support their ambitions and dreams
• If we provide the appropriate support (staff, facilities, coaches, finances, technology, sponsors)
• If we promote our programs and activities
• If students take advantage of the opportunities, activities, and resources
• If we have a supportive community
• If the school has mutually beneficial partnerships with other community entities and staff are involved in the community
• If students, staff, and community are willing to work together to address concerns and correct problems
• If we believe WE CAN

Then we will have a clear sense of identity, pride in the school and community will be obvious, and a culture of success will be prevalent.

I welcome your feedback and comments on the plan. More importantly, I welcome your involvement in striving to reach these goals for the benefit of Indianola CSD students!